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Wind of Change? Cultural Determinants of Maternal Labour Supply”, 2024, with Barbara Boelmann and Anna Raute. Accepted, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics.

          ​UCL News


VoxTalks by VoxEU (July 2021)

Selected media coverage: New York TimesIndependentThe ConversationLa RepubblicaZeitSüddeutsche ZeitungFrankfurter Allgemeine ZeitungHandelsblattWeltMDRntv

"The Effects of Sun Exposure during Pregnancy and Early Life on Child Obesity", 2024, with Christian Dustmann and Malte Sandner. Journal of Human Resources, 59(6), 1683-1713.


Online Appendix

VoxEU article

Selected media coverage: The Telegraph


"​ Technological and Organizational Change and the Careers of Workers", 2023, with Michele Battisti and Christian Dustmann.  Journal of the European Economic Association, 21(4), 1551-1594.       

           VoxEU article

Selected media coverage: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung


"The Role of Schools in Transmission of SARS-CoV2 Virus: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Germany", 2022, with Clara von Bismarck-Osten and Kirill Borusyak. Economic Policy, 37(109), 87-130.

VoxEU article

UCL News

A short video about the paper (UCL Econ Research Digest)

Selected media coverage: Frankfurter Allgemeine ZeitungBerliner ZeitungThe EuropeanntvStuttgarter, Zeitung

"Reallocation Effects of the Minimum Wage: Evidence from Germany", 2022, with Christian Dustmann, Attila Lindner, Matthias Umkehrer and Philipp vom Berge. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 137 (1), 267-328.

Press release

VoxEU article

UCL News

Selected media coverage: Financial TimesLe FigaroLarazonSüddeutsche Zeitung

"Do Place-Based Tax Incentives Create Jobs?", 2020, with Hyejin Ku and Ragnhild Schreiner. Journal of Public Economics, 191, 104105.

VoxEU article

"Spillover Effects of Mass Layoffs", 2020, with Christina Gathmann and Ines Helm. Journal of the European Economic Association, 18, 427-468.

"Productivity Growth, Wage Growth, and Unions", 2018, with Alice Kügler and Ragnhild Schreiner. In: "Price and Wage-Setting in Advanced Economies", European Central Bank Conference Proceedings.

VoxEU article

Presentation, ECB Forum, Sintra, June 2018

Selected media coverage: New York Times

"Who Benefits from Universal Child Care? Estimating Marginal Returns to Early Child Care Attendance", 2018, with Thomas Cornelissen, Christian Dustmann and Anna Raute. Journal of Political Economy, 126, 2356-2409.

Presented at invited sessions at the EALE/SOLE in Montreal and the EEA in Mannheim.

VoxEU article

Makronom article

Okonomenstimme article

Selected media coverage:  Spiegel, FAZ, iNewsLiberation


"The Long-Term Effects of Early Track Choice", 2017, with Christian Dustmann and Patrick Puhani. Economic Journal, 127, 1348-1380.

VoxEU article

Selected media coverage: FAZ (4.3.2014; editorial), Suddeutsche Zeitung (4.3.2014), Stuttgarter Zeitung (6.3.2014), Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung (4.3.2014), WirtschaftsWoche


"On the Economics and Politics of Refugee Migration", 2017, with Christian Dustmann, Francesco Fasani, Tommaso Frattini, and Luigi Minale. Economic Policy, Special Issue on Refugee Migration, 32, 497-550.

VoxEU article


"Peer Effects in the Workplace", 2017, with Thomas Cornelissen and Christian Dustmann. American Economic Review, 107, 425-456.

Online Appendix

"Labor Supply Shocks, Native Wages, and the Adjustment of Local Employment", 2017, with Christian Dustmann and Jan Stuhler. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 132, 435-483.

Online Appendix

"The Impact of Migration: Why Do Studies Find Such Different Results", 2016, with Christian Dustmann and Jan Stuhler. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 30, 31-56.

Companion Appendix

"From LATE to MTE: Alternative Methods for the Evaluation of Policy Interventions", 2016, with Thomas Cornelissen, Christian Dustmann and Anna Raute. Labour Economics, 41, 47-60.

"Referral-Based Job Search Networks", 2016, with Christian Dustmann, Albrecht Glitz and Herbert Brücker. Review of Economic Studies, 83, 514-546.

"From the `Sick Man of Europe’ to the `Economic Superstar’: Germany's Resurgent Economy", 2014, with Christian Dustmann, Bernd Fitzenberger and Alexandra Spitz-Oener. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 28, 167-188.

VoxEU article

Harvard Business Review article, written by my co-author Alexandra Spitz-Oener

Reprinted in: Explaining Germany's exceptional recovery: A new eBook, Vox eBook.

Selected media coverage: Spiegel online, Die Welt (3.2.2014),  FT blogs (4.2.2014), BBC News (13.2.2014), Alternatives Economiques (6.3.2014), Der Bund (26.5.2014), Die Welt (29.6.2014), Panorama

"Expansions in Maternity Leave Coverage and Mothers’ Labor Market Outcomes after Childbirth", 2014, with Johannes Ludsteck. Journal of Labor Economics, 32, 469-505 .

Selected media coverage: Zeit online 

"The Effect of Expansions in Leave Coverage on Children's Long-Term Outcomes", 2012, with Christian Dustmann. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 4, 190-224.

Online Appendix

Selected media coverage: Handelsblatt (29.10.2007), Spiegel online (19.7.2008), N24 (19.7.2008, reprinted in e.g. Suddeutsche Zeitung, Financial Times, Welt online)

 "What Makes Firm-Based Vocational Training Schemes Successful? The Role of Commitment", 2012, with Christian Dustmann. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 4, 36-61.

"Ethnicity and Educational Achievement in Compulsory Schooling", 2010, with Christian Dustmann and Steve Machin. Economic Journal Features, 120, F272-F292. 

Online Appendix (includes findings for Mathematics test scores).

Selected media coverage: Daily Mail

"How General is Human Capital? A Task-Based Approach", 2010, with Christina Gathmann. Journal of Labor Economics, 28, 1-49. (Lead article).

"Revisiting the German Wage Structure ", 2009, with Christian Dustmann and Johannes Ludsteck. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 124, 843-881. 

Online Appendix (compares inequality trends in the German Socio-Economic Panel and the IAB Employment Sample).

Selected media coverage: Financial Times Deutschland (28.6.2007), (28.6.2007), Handelsblatt (29.7.2007), Stuttgarter Zeitung (29.1.2007), Focus online (29.6.2007), Frankfurter Rundschau (25.9.2007)

"Training and Union Wages", 2009, jointly with Christian Dustmann. Review of Economics and Statistics, 91, 363-376.

"Does the IAB Employment Sample Reliably Identify Maternity Leave Taking? A Data Report", 2009, Journal for Labor Market Research, 42, 49-70.

"Testing for Asymmetric Employer Learning", 2007, Journal of Labor Economics, 25, 651-692.


"Wage Growth due to Human Capital Accumulation and Job Search: A Comparison between the United States and Germany", 2007, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 60, 562-586.

© 2024 by Uta Schönberg.

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